Extra! Korea

January 22, 2010

Kim Yu-na is writing a book

Filed under: sports — extrakorea @ 3:18 am

Current world figure skating champion Kim Yu-na is writing a book. Entitled “Kim Yu-na’s Seven-Minute Drama,” it’s a collection of her reflections, culled from a diary that she writes into every night after training.

Despite being a world figure skating champion, Kim defines herself, “a simple, cool and down-to-earth 20-year-old figure skater who dreams of freedom and a normal life, has blood type O, and eats everything except for things she doesn’t like.”

(emphasis mine)

Has blood type O? Well, this is Northeast Asia. And the part about eating whatever she wants seems to contradict earlier claims about her diet.

The book goes on sale January 28, and you can begin reserving your copies.

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