Extra! Korea

April 11, 2010

“Eye Smiles” and “Egg Lines”

Filed under: celebrities, gender equality, pseudoscience, rapid cultural change, youth — extrakorea @ 10:55 am

Somebody page The Grand Narrative. To S-lines, V-lines, heart-lines, and the rest of the alphabetical labels that we can attach to women for easy categorization, we can add: eye smiles and egg lines.

Eye Smiles:

If you haven’t heard of this term before, it’s the crescent shape that an eye curves into when a person smiles. In Korea, guys tend to love girls who smile this way.

And an “egg-line” is when a person’s face looks like an egg, with the narrow end on the bottom, of course. In other words, it’s a V-line taken one step further. Because it’s always OK to further criticize a woman’s looks.

Do you know what I think is the purpose of all this is? To use use pseudo-scientific terms so that you can describe a woman’s face or body and not suffer consequences. If I were to say to a woman, “You have nice boobs,” she might well slap my face. On the other hand, if I say, “You have a good W-line” (which basically says the same thing), she probably won’t do anything. Why not? Probably because wrapping the comment up in pseudo-scientific terms makes it look objective.

And did you know that having surgery on your eyelids is considered, by some people, to not be plastic surgery?

After all, it is only double eyelid surgery and is not the same as plastic surgery.

Say what?!


  1. Hahaha! I think you are so right about the pseudo-scientific terms!
    And I had also heard of the Eye-smiles… Tyra Banks uses something like that (if not the same term) whenever she describes what is so unique about her modeling
    and how models should like “communicate” with the viewer using their eyes..Also my geometry teacher in high school used to call me SOL the girly who smiles with her eyes!
    so I think in the U.S. that is not so uncommon.

    Comment by SOL — July 1, 2010 @ 2:42 am

  2. Double eyelid surgery is surgery performed on an Asian eyelid to create or enhance the crease. It’s entirely elective and done only to change the appearance of the eyes.

    This is not a matter of treating disease but rather straight cosmetic surgery.

    Some people like it, some people hate the very thought of it, while most people are neutral and non-judgmental. Either way, you still have to call it was it is — cosmetic plastic surgery, pure and simple.

    Comment by steff — November 8, 2010 @ 12:40 am

  3. I’m sorry but how is eyelid surgery not classed as plastic surgery? lol I never understood asian world’s obsession with eye surgery. as a bloke i never really notice women’s eyes, there are other things to notice first 😉

    Comment by Mike — May 5, 2011 @ 11:41 am

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